Supply Lists » Third Grade Supply List

Third Grade Supply List

School Year: 2025-2026

Grades: 3rd Grade

Classes: All Third Grade Teachers


  • 1
    Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues
    (bring it in on the third day of school)
  • 1
    Box(es) of Paper Mate® #2 Woodcase Pencils Sharpened with Erasers
    (no mechanical lead pencils), (bring it on the first day of school)
  • 1
    Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Gallon Size (Boys Only)
    (bring it in on the second day of school)
  • 1
    Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Quart Size (Girls Only)
    (bring it in on the second day of school)
  • 1
    Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (bleach free), Canister(s)
    (bring it in on the third day of school)
  • 1
    Crayola® Crayons, 24 Count
    (or colored pencils), (bring it on the first day of school)
  • 1
    EXPO® Dry Erase Markers
    package, any colors, (bring it in on the second day of school)
  • 2
    Elmer's® Glue Stick
    (bring it on the first day of school)
  • 1
    Fiskars Scissors
    pair, child safety, (bring it on the first day of school)
  • 4
    Mead® Composition Notebook, Wide Ruled, Bound, Marble, w/ FREE Study App
    (bring it on the first day of school)
  • 1
    Mead® Five Star® Pocket Folders, Plastic, Green
    (bring it on the first day of school)
  • 1
    Mead® Five Star® Pocket Folders, Plastic, Red
    (bring it on the first day of school)
  • 1
    Mead® Five Star® Pocket Folders, Plastic, Yellow
    (bring it on the first day of school)
  • 1
    Package(s) of Baby Wipes, Pampers
    (bring it in on the third day of school)
  • 1
    Package(s) of Five Star® Reinforced Filler Paper, Wide Ruled, 3 Hole Punched, w/ FREE Study App
    (bring it in on the second day of school)
  • 1
    Package(s) of Index Cards
    (bring it on the first day of school)
  • 1
    Package(s) of Page Protectors
    (bring it in on the second day of school)
  • 1
    Package(s) of Post-it® Notes, 3" x 3"
    (with/without lines), (bring it in on the second day of school)
  • 1
    Package(s) of Printer/Copier Paper
    (bring it in on the third day of school)
  • 2
    Paper Towels - Roll(s)
    (bring it in on the third day of school)
  • 1
    Pencil Case
    (soft), (no hard boxes please), (bring it on the first day of school)
  • 2
    Sharpie® Highlighters
    (bring it on the first day of school)