Supply Lists » 3K Supply List

3K Supply List

School Year: 2025-2026

Grades: K3

Classes: All 3 Year Old Kindergarten Teachers

PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING that comes to school – school bag, jackets, hats, sheet, blanket, change of clothes, etc. with your child's first and last name.


  • 1
    Blanket - Small
    (small top sheet or small thin blanket), (toddler size to use as a blanket), (Please do not send in twin size sheets)
  • 2
    Change of Clothes (Toddler, Child, Teen)
    (shirt, pants, several pairs of underwear, socks, and one extra pair of shoes), (Please place those items in a ziplock bag with your child’s name on it)
  • 1
    (Although diapers are provided, if you prefer a particular brand, please send in a package labeled with your child’s name), (If your child is wearing pull-ups, pull-ups with adjustable tabs work the best for 3K)
  • 2
    Fitted Crib Sheets
    (or toddler bed size sheets)
  • 1
    Lunch Box
    soft, with a cold pack for lunch
  • 2
    (family photographs), (On the back of the photo, please write your child’s name), (Please let your child choose it and discuss with you what he or she will share with the class about it)
  • 1
    School Bag
    (regular sized), (large enough to fit your child's folder -the folder will be provided for them)
  • 1
    (small stuffed animal), (that is special to them), (that can fit in the bag with the sheets)