Dual Language » Dual Language @ PS 88Q

Dual Language @ PS 88Q

PS 88Q is proud to offer a Dual Language Spanish program, designed to provide students with the unique opportunity to become bilingual and biliterate in both English and Spanish. Starting in Kindergarten, this program integrates native English and Spanish speakers in the same classroom, promoting a rich, multicultural learning environment.

Our Dual Language Spanish program follows a rigorous curriculum that adheres to New York State standards while incorporating both languages throughout the day. Students engage in literacy and content instruction in both English and Spanish, ensuring they develop strong language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

By participating in our Dual Language Spanish program, students gain cognitive, academic, and social benefits, preparing them for a globalized world where bilingualism is a valuable asset. Our program also fosters cultural appreciation and understanding, enriching the educational experience for all students.

For more information about our Dual Language Spanish program, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming your child into our vibrant and diverse learning community.